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New horizons beyond the garden

Luca Vanello. Pistils Embedded Under Nails. Allowing Oneself To Be Accompanied, Nude Scent Reassures | Courtesy Panorama

The title of the exhibition by Luca Vanello curated by Giovanni Paolin for Panorama, while on the one hand it appears as an enigmatic tongue-twister, on the other it simulates the verse of an arcane poem, whose rhythm, marked by a structure similar to the sculptural compositions of the Italian-Slovenian artist, refers to abstract and fleeting sensations. In Luca Vanello's work, in fact, each sentence can be considered as a preliminary study based on a sensation that incessantly accompanies the artist in the unfolding of his research. Pistils embedded under nails. Allowing oneself to be accompanied, nude scent reassures is the result of a residency at Panorama in the Fall of 2024 and arises from a reflection focused on sensorial exploration and the intimate relationship with the secret gardens of Venice. Luca Vanello's works draw inspiration from the silent intimacy of care and the tactile memory of therapeutic gardens, manifesting themselves as symbols of healing and transformation. The plants, collected from different gardens in Venice and Belgium, contain stories of closeness and care, evoked by the assembly of medicinal herbs, sensorial refuges and a delicate work of regeneration through the earth and its smells.

  1. Keywords: venice, exhibitions,, nozio business, luca vanello, panorama, giovanni paolin